Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 9

The day started early with bird watching for those that chose. With a sloth, millipedes, monkeys and a variety of birds to view it was an informative hour. After brekky everyone chose their own sessions; visiting the banana plantation, farm or the many classroom work sessions then meeting up for coffee and lunch. The sessions were in small group apart from the General Session where Leonardo Garnier the Minister of Education and Mario Pedra Director of the Education Program at Earth University, spoke. At the workshop sessions many of the group offered their input to the discussions. Dinner was a bus ride to another area of the campus due to the campus being a “dry” campus (no alcohol) but not so with this dinner and its open bar. After dinner we were entertained with some exceptional singing and dancing from members of the student body of the University and then another highlight as Papazuke and GAL led the way on to the dance floor, the Americans and Costa Rican’s have never seen moves like these before. Great night and it was only 11.00 p.m. when we hit the sack!


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